The Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Kingdom Concept
by Pierce Smith

Do you want to gain a deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God? Author Pierce A. Smith received supernatural revelation of the Kingdom of God, and he shares what the Lord has given him through many hours of studying the Scriptures.
- What is the Kingdom of God?
- Have you wondered what Jesus meant in Matthew 6:33?
- Why is understanding the Kingdom of God important for one’s advancement in their spiritual walk with God?
This book has been written to clarify these questions and more. A serious Bible student needs to know more about the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. “The Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Kingdom Concept” will help you in your walk of faith by giving you a better understanding of the Gospel message.
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See it, Think it, Say it, Write it, Believe it, Be it: God Has a Plan for Your Life
by Thelma Smith

Are you called to leadership? “See it, Think it, Say it, Write it, Believe it, Be it: God Has a Plan for Your Life,” authored by Rev. Thelma C. Smith will explain the process that leaders will experience as God prepares them to fulfill their destiny. In this book, one will receive Biblical examples of individuals that went through the process outlined in the title. One will receive an explanation of the purpose and process of each phase of transition to new levels of leadership.
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A Bride Without Spot or Wrinkle
by Thelma Smith

Christ is returning for a bride without spot or wrinkle to reign with Him. Is the bride, the body of Christ, ready for His return? Join me in praying for the body of Christ, the church to become the bride Christ desires.
You will be given key scriptural verses to speak forth God’s Word and move in preparation to receive all of God’s promises. Understand the Lord’s relationship with the church and how it is paralleled to an earthly covenant marriage between man and wife. Various prayer targets are given to focus on strongholds of the enemy for deliverance of women, marriages, children, and families.
Start today with these simple, quick prayers to help transform the body of Christ into a bride without spot or wrinkle.
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